The movie adapted from the novel of the same name tells the subtle emotions between two women. Intern doctor Allen Meighan ensured that he was hospitalized at a "general hospital" while saving the life of a man trapped in an explosion. Alan fell in love with intern nurse Claire Donahue, and she also fell in love with him, but she married a physically abusive husband named Tom. Claire refused to leave Tom, prompting Allen to marry Patricia, the woman he saved her life from. Patricia was angry that Ellen had spent too much time on his profession instead of their marriage. Tom was taken to the hospital after a serious accident, which further deepened her suspicion of Ellen having an affair with Claire. Patricia left Allen to find Dr. Tony Walcott. After a period of time, it was reported that the train crashed and Patricia was taken to the hospital due to severe facial deformities. Alan, now a successful doctor, has reconciled with Parisia. Time flies, Patricia's pain gradually heals, and Ellen still lives with Claire. He must choose now; Between two women;.